do you represent a Municipality?

Municipalities & Francophone immigration

Managing immigration in Canada involves many levels of responsibility and engages a wide range of public sector stakeholders, civil society and private sectors. It is a relatively complex ecosystem in which each stakeholder has a role to play and in which they make a useful and complementary contribution.


As a local government, municipalities provide services that address the day-to-day concerns of citizens. They have the capacity to strongly influence the quality of life and behaviour of individuals and to contribute to ensuring and nurturing the vitality of local communities.

adopt a strategic approach

The desire to take action on immigration and cultural diversity requires an integrated and cross-cutting approach throughout the municipal organization. This is why this will should be part of the municipal strategic planning, whether it be in the areas of recreation, economic development, security, communication or urban planning.

Development and implementation of a municipal immigration support strategy.

The town council should always play a leadership role in the preparation and adoption of municipal strategies. By adopting a strategy, it demonstrates the municipality's commitment to the process and commits the municipality to the implementation of the associated action plan.

A project to submit?

Are you a municipality? And do you wish to set up a project to develop Francophone immigration in your territory? So don’t hesitate to contact us!