
The steering committee is composed of seven members of RIF MB, representing at least one member of each sectoral group

The steering committee is composed of Seven RIF MB members, representing at least one member from each sector group role and responsibility of the steering committee:


1. Ensure the implementation of RIF’s strategic plan in accordance with its vision, mission and values.


2. Ensure the steering and validation of the action plans of the sectoral working groups.


3. Review and decide on resolutions of the sectoral groups on issues of particular interest to RIF.


4. Evaluate and approve annual objectives and action plans.


5. Act as an ambassador/champion for the RIF.

Bintou Sacko est une membre du comité directeur du RIF Manitoba, Réseau en Immigration Francophone du Manitoba

Bintou Sacko

Accueil Francophone

Aileen Clark est une membre du comité directeur du RIF Manitoba, Réseau en Immigration Francophone du Manitoba

Aileen Clark

University of St. Boniface

Monat Audet est une membre du comité directeur du RIF Manitoba, Réseau en Immigration Francophone du Manitoba

Monat Audet


Jérémie Roberge

Santé en français

Observer members

Michelle Savard

Commissioner of Official Languages

Marie-Julienne Malondo est une membre du comité directeur du RIF Manitoba, Réseau en Immigration Francophone du Manitoba

Marie-Julienne Malondo

Province of Manitoba

Teresa Collins est une membre du comité directeur du RIF Manitoba, Réseau en Immigration Francophone du Manitoba

Teresa Collins

Francophone Affairs Secretariat

Sector Groups

Sector groups are working tables that address priority issues identified in the strategic planning of the RIF MB.


In fact, RIF MB supports sectoral groups, the following:

Welcome, Establishment, Integration (GSWEI)

The SGWEI Brings Together RIF MB Members Interested In The Following Activities:

  • Identify And Provide Action Plans To Create Optimal Conditions For The Settlement And Integration Of Newcomers.
  • Strengthen The Capacity Of The Rural Communities.

Member organizations:

Employability & Entrepreneurial (SGEE)

The SGEE Brings Together RIF MB Members Interested In The Following Activities:

  • Facilitate And Ensure Access To The Labour Market For Newcomers To Ensure Their Economic Integration.
  • Identify Collaborative Strategies To Foster Entrepreneurship Among Newcomers.

Member organizations:

Sector groups for EFL/HSS

Education, Formation, Literacy (SGEFL)

The SGEFL Brings Together RIF MB Members Interested In Ensuring A Lifelong Learning Continuum (Literacy, Education, Training That Supports Their Settlement In Canada.

Member organizations:

Health & Social Services (SGHSS)

The SGHSS Brings Together RIF MB Members Interested In The Following Activities:

  • Improve And Promote The Physical And Mental Health Of Newcomers
  • To Strengthen The Accessibility And Availability Of Health And Social Services In French While Facilitating Navigation And Knowledge Of The Health And Social Services System In Manitoba.

Member organizations:

Other groups

The Community Advisory Board (CAB)

The Cab Is A Group Of Individuals And Organizations Involved In The Implementation Of The Welcoming Francophone Community (WFC) Project:
  • Provide An Advisory Function In The Implementation Phase.
  • Share Information Through Their Own Mechanisms To Further Promote The Initiative.

Member organizations:

Working group to fight racism

In order to eliminate barriers to the socio-cultural integration of Black and racialized people, the mandate of the working group is to:


• Be responsible for writing the action plan.

• Consider measurable goals, timelines and mechanisms for implementing the action plan.

• To provide such measures as it deems appropriate for the purpose of enhancing diversity, equity and respect for Black people in our community.

• Invite other members or experts to meetings to discuss processes for continuous improvement initiatives aimed to fight racism and discrimination.

Member organizations: