CommunitY Advisory Board (CAB)

Welcoming francophone communities initiative

Following the launch of welcoming francophone communities initiative (WFC) through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) in 2018, a community advisory board (CAB) was formed to bring together stakeholders around the implementation of the welcoming francophone communities (WFC) within Municipalities of Taché, La Broquerie and the town of  Ste Anne, in the Riviere-Seine region and ensure the efficiency of the pilot project in order to cover as many of the needs of Francophone newcomers to the region as possible.




The Welcoming Communities initiative is in its second phase of implementation of the community plan activities.


For this purpose, in collaboration with the Manitoba Francophone Immigration Network (RIF MB), the Community Advisory Board is required to:

  • Provide an advisory function in the implementation phase.
  • Share information.

CAB & RIF Manitoba

RIF Manitoba is a resource for the Community Advisory Board. The RIF Manitoba provides its resources and expertise to support the board in its mission. The board works closely and transparently with the RIF Manitoba.


Necessary and relevant information is shared for the implementation of the Community Business Plan. The secretariat and the logistical organization of the CAB meetings are provided by the RIF.

Le réseautage est un point essentiel du RIF Manitoba, Réseau en Immigration Francophone du Manitoba


remain in initiative


IRCC Consultations on Francophone Immigration to Francophone Minority Communities


co-planning forum
Identification of Francophone communities
Establishment of the Community Advisor Board
Identification of community needs
Drafting the community plan


Sensitization of community actors on the initiative of WFC
Implementation of the community plan activities for WFC

membres of CAB for Welcoming francophone community initiative in Riviere-Seine region

Daniel Preteau est un membre du conseil consultatif communautaire de la CFA qui collabore avec le RIF Manitoba, Réseau en Immigration Francophone du Manitoba

Daniel Preteau

Sectors: French-language education throughout the province and specifically in the Riviere-Seine region

David Vielfaure est un membre du conseil consultatif communautaire de la CFA qui collabore avec le RIF Manitoba, Réseau en Immigration Francophone du Manitoba

David Vielfaure

Sectors: french education eastern region – Riviere-Seine

Jacinthe Blais est une membre du conseil consultatif communautaire de la CFA qui collabore avec le RIF Manitoba, Réseau en Immigration Francophone du Manitoba

Jacinthe Blais

Sectors: culture in town of Ste Anne

Roxane Dupuis est une membre du conseil consultatif communautaire de la CFA qui collabore avec le RIF Manitoba, Réseau en Immigration Francophone du Manitoba

Roxanne Dupuis

Sectors: community, youth, culture in La Broquerie & in Manitoba

Yann Boissonneault est un membre du conseil consultatif communautaire de la CFA qui collabore avec le RIF Manitoba, Réseau en Immigration Francophone du Manitoba

Yann Boissonneault

Sectors: community development, eastern region economic development (WFC)

Justin Johnson est un membre du conseil consultatif communautaire de la CFA qui collabore avec le RIF Manitoba, Réseau en Immigration Francophone du Manitoba

Justin Johnson

Observer member: municipalities in the regions involved in the pilot project; Taché, La Broquerie & town of Ste Anne

Renelle Boissonneault est une membre du conseil consultatif communautaire de la CFA qui collabore avec le RIF Manitoba, Réseau en Immigration Francophone du Manitoba

Renelle Boissonneault

Observer member: manager of Manitoba Bilingual Service Centres